Respiro... El aroma ácido de los limones aún verdes es tan intenso... Aunque el día ha amanecido gris, el bochorno y la humedad me recuerdan que el mes de agosto todavía nos acompaña. Paseamos juntos, los tres juntos, y observo como correteas entre los árboles, volviendo la mirada de cuando en cuando para comprobar que seguimos aquí, contigo. Estudio con calma los hoyuelos de tu cara, la forma en que tus ojos se arrugan cuando sonríes, cada uno de tus gestos ante un nuevo descubrimiento y disfruto de ti, de un tiempo juntos que casi nunca tenemos. Hace ya tres años te hice una promesa, cuidarte y protegerte, hacer de ti una gran persona, y amarte, regalarte mi tiempo y mi vida, porque mi tiempo y mi vida eres tú. Por eso, mi pequeño, quiero darte las gracias, gracias por hacerme sentir mujer, madre, gracias por tu amor incondicional, por tu alegría, por tu ternura, gracias por hacerme inmensamente feliz.
Porque quiero que me acompañes, porque quiero acompañarte, porque te quiero, siempre.
Feliz cumpleaños.
Breathe ... The acid aroma of unripe lemons is so intense... Although the day has dawned gray and damp embarrassment remind me that August is still with us. We walked together, the three together, and watched as you run among the trees, looking back from time to time to ensure that we continue here, with you. Study calmly dimples on your face, the way your eyes crinkle when you smile, your every gesture to a new discovery and enjoy yourself, some time together they almost never have. Three years ago I made you a promise, care and protect, make you a great person, and love, give you my time and my life, because my time and my life is you. So, my little one, I want to thank you, thanks for making me feel like a woman, mother, thank you for your unconditional love, for your joy, for your tenderness, thanks for making me immensely happy.
Because I want you to come with me, because I want to go with you, because I love you, always.
Happy Birthday.

Breathe ... The acid aroma of unripe lemons is so intense... Although the day has dawned gray and damp embarrassment remind me that August is still with us. We walked together, the three together, and watched as you run among the trees, looking back from time to time to ensure that we continue here, with you. Study calmly dimples on your face, the way your eyes crinkle when you smile, your every gesture to a new discovery and enjoy yourself, some time together they almost never have. Three years ago I made you a promise, care and protect, make you a great person, and love, give you my time and my life, because my time and my life is you. So, my little one, I want to thank you, thanks for making me feel like a woman, mother, thank you for your unconditional love, for your joy, for your tenderness, thanks for making me immensely happy.
Because I want you to come with me, because I want to go with you, because I love you, always.
Happy Birthday.

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